
OmNomisthemainprotagonistandcharacteroftheCuttheRopeseries.Theplayer'saimthroughoutthegamesistofeedhimwithcandybycuttingropes ...,2024年3月9日—WithOmNomStories,youcanenjoyfunvideostowatchfunanimatedepisodesfullofvaluablelessons,creativityandlearningthroughjoy!

Om Nom - Cut the Rope Wiki

Om Nom is the main protagonist and character of the Cut the Rope series. The player's aim throughout the games is to feed him with candy by cutting ropes ...

在App Store 上的「Om Nom Stories for Children!」

2024年3月9日 — With Om Nom Stories, you can enjoy fun videos to watch fun animated episodes full of valuable lessons, creativity and learning through joy!